Friday, July 17, 2009

Dark night

Dark wind, cool night and you just walk on by...
We stayed feeling nothing, we separate losing nothing,
Your presence as good as your absence,
Untouched, we part,
All my fears coming true,
I wish could smoke
Just a smoke...
A Loveless soul

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Selling Faith?

Located in a lower middle class society is Dige Bai’s home, which is crowded with people. A long queue extends from outside the gate o f her home till the hall where she’s seated. Dige Bai is a psychic- that’s what I would call. She claims to have the ability to communicate with God and get answers for our questions from him. In a way she is capable of being a medium between God and us. She also performs extortions. This is the manner in which she serves society.
Grandmother and mother had praised Dige Bai so much that I actually looked forward to pay a visit to her- simply out of curiosity to meet a Psychic. I soon got the opportunity.
Waiting in the queue I observed arrangements of devotee’s primary comforts like water and a small fan where present. After about forty five minutes, we entered a shrine. It was a small place, part of home, and so only limited people where allowed at a time. Though it seemed to be a pleasant place, the Gods where garlanded so much that they almost seemed like a heap of flowers. I could hardly have a glimpse of the Gods my Grandma had admired so much. After watching a very simple extortion performed by Dige Bai, we bowed, took her blessing and headed towards to a lady who had a register of question people had asked to Dige Bai and their respective answers which she had got from God after mediating for about a week.
Now, cane the real time to test. My mother had asked an obvious question about my marriage, a week ago and we where supposed to get an answer. We listed to the lady carefully, and left. After stepping out of all the chaos and crowd, I began analyzing the answer claimed to be given by God to Dige Bai. I would have certainly been impressed if she would have given a customized answer so a general question. Her answer was a standardized one. A little thinking could tell there wasn’t any divine intervention to the answers she was giving. I thought if these people were giving same answers for the same questions then how could Die Bai claim herself to be called a psychic or a divine human? Perhaps, she didn’t even read our questions; and had trained her assistants to give standard answers routine question.
Dige Bai’s experience made me wonder how ‘selling Faith’ had become a popular venture for many. Sheer number of so called ‘sadhus’ and ‘saanths’ found in our country would surprise anybody. Do we ever think how many of them are worthy enough to be called so? These people have gone launched a channel completely dedicated for their publicity and increasing their fame. It feels so sad to think how professionalism and materialism has corrupted even the noblest of occupations such as teaching and philosophy.
In today’s times where one is faced with multitude of challenges, oneought to feel bogged down at some point of time. In times of distress what one looks for a guiding light, something to reassure that a divine, invisible entity will take care of them. What one needs the most is ‘Faith’.
But most people are unsure about themselves; having Faith in something larger than them makes them feel secure and more confident.
What these so called people with divine powers and wisdom are doing is indeed good. They preach good things, enlighten ignorant minds and serve as guiding light to the Faith deficient. It is social service of a different kind. But as most social service organizations we know these are also a business of its own kind. In exchange for their guidance and mental security, they ask for our faith. One surrenders wholly, voluntarily so the so called “guru” who might not even be worthy of being trusted. We have to follow their line of thought, believe and practices, have to be loyal to them.
In the end it’s all mix of professionalism and ignorance and ultimately ‘ we ‘who decide what’s’ worth our Faith.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In the Darkness

I was listening to some old songs of George Michel and Savage Garden in pitch darkness when it appeared to me; life hadn’t given me anything to write about today. Nothing had happened nor did I spend time thinking about anything in particular.
Admiring the beauty of the half crescent, yellowish Moon, which appeared all the more beautiful in this darkness; I found myself relating to the songs I was listening to; to the memories and experiences of my Past.
Old people often live in past. Having nothing much to do in the present they take shelter in their past. I had nothing to do in recent times either. I was just wasting my time waiting for something so arrive. May be that was the reason why I was loosing myself like this to memories of my past.

Is it amazing how our world seems to come to a halt when the lights go out?
One can’t do anything, except patiently wait and explore the world in darkness. And indeed the darkness beholds a new world for those who can see through it.
Coming out of our private business and finding nothing to do, we look for alternatives. In the process we communicate, talk to the people around us and share our feelings with one other. Perhaps that’s why we feel so ONE when the lights go out. Having to put up with inconvenience in common bonds people. One can inventory take a break from ‘I have Work to look after’ and enjoy some quite moments. Moments of introspection, of memories, of beauty, of peace, of unity.
Strange how sometimes, we don’t just open our eyes but also our minds, hearths and ourselves only in darkness.
Then I saw my colony light up and I thought, I wish lights could go off like this everyday for a short while.

And hey Life gives something to write about everyday, just got to be patient and open!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Onces Company

Roaming at the Mall today, I was envying the couples I saw. They seemed to be with perfect partners, enjoying each others company and perhaps showing off each other to unfortunate singles like Me.
I wondered where My Company was?
This thought- setting off a chain of memories in my mind…I had almost forgotten.
Memories of the road we used to walk by at night, of Corneto icecreams used to have on summer evenings,…of the occasional Sprits, Feel of those rough hands in mine and that care free smile…Some time ago, I had a wonderful company. We accompanied each other almost everywhere we went- Shopping, eating, and going on evening walks and even on Dates!
I had lost my comany, for reasons I didn’t wanted to think about now.

All I wanted, is to be happy-

for I had Once enjoyed the company of a wonderful partner and knew what it is to be a Dear one.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sounds Faith?

I was wondering for a while now, and this just appeared to me!
Its been over a week now since my exams got over and I still don't get the pangs
of not having anything to do in Life.
Don't feel as if everybody has moved ahead with great offers in their hand and I'm the one whose left behind. It's not like the way I was feeling few months ago-Desperate to get my hands on the next best offer that I find.
I'm surprised to find myself so 'Calm'. Almost like a turtle, moving at its' OWN pace.
I realise that just because everybody's after 'fish' , You don't have to go after it!
U might want a frog or a stone or anything , Ur wants might be different than that of Ur Herds'.

All u got to do in times of Chaos is to stay clam, listen to Ur deep inner voice, trust it and
let go.
Things that U deserve will come to u.
Just be clear about What U want, what U r looking for ...And take it as they come to U.

Make a clear wish to the Universe and it will be fullfilled

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What should I do of My Life ?!

I have recently completed MBA, got a good offer too,
but thanks to the recession My joining has been extended for 5 months from now!
In the mean time I wonder What to do ?!

It is easy to choose between options for killing time...
Join a Computer course, a singing class, go for trekking...
But I have an excuse for not opting for any of these.

In attempting to answer my previous question I'm hit by another bigger question,
What should I do of My Life ?!

Its been 23 years and 4 months since I have been looking for an answer
and still can't find one to stick too.

When I was a kid, I believed everyone comes with a special purpose on this planet,
I wondered what could have been mine?

We all have own ways to define, describe -life
the way we have experienced it
I haven't found mine yet.

They say what matter is how we end and not how we begin...
In the end we all have our stories to tell about life,
Some interesting, others sad...
Some ordinary and some extra-ordinary

I might not know what to do in the mean time...

Something might just come up with time...

But 1 question in my mind, will certainly linger for a long time ...

What should I do Of My life?